Genealogy Data Page 900 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Vawter, Beverly Anne 
b. --Not Shown-- PA
Gender: Female
Father: Vawter, William Snyder
Mother: Woods, Flora Adeline
Vawter, Richard Woods

b. 14 MAY 1936 PA
d. 29 AUG 2007 New York
Gender: Male
Father: Vawter, William Snyder
Mother: Woods, Flora Adeline
Ehrlich, Dorothy
b. 26 FEB 1936
d. 21 FEB 2016 New York
Gender: Female
Taylor, Henry E 
b. ABT 1902 Illinois
Gender: Male
Father: Taylor, Andrew J
Mother: Grinstead, Ella Grace
Taylor, Sarah 
b. ABT 1904 Illinois
Gender: Female
Father: Taylor, Andrew J
Mother: Grinstead, Ella Grace
Taylor, Mary A 
b. ABT 1905 Illinois
Gender: Female
Father: Taylor, Andrew J
Mother: Grinstead, Ella Grace
Colston, Leona 
b. DEC 1883 Arkansas
Gender: Female
Father: Colston, Sterling
Mother: Sheppard, Clementine
Colston, Dora 
b. OCT 1896 Indian Territory
Gender: Female
Father: Colston, Sterling
Mother: Sheppard, Clementine
Soper, Alice 
b. AUG 1916 Iowa
d. 7 AUG 2001 Iowa
Gender: Female
Father: Soper, Lloyd
Mother: Vawter, Edith May
Ashby, Margaret 
b. --Not Shown-- Iowa
Gender: Female
Father: Ashby, George E
Mother: Vawter, Edith May
Ashby, Marvin J 
b. 1929 Iowa
d. 1991 Indiana
Gender: Male
Father: Ashby, George E
Mother: Vawter, Edith May
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