Genealogy Data Page 1159 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Corbitt, Virginia Hadley 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Father: Corbitt, James Paul
Mother: Winters, Heather
Corbitt, James Talton 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Male
Father: Corbitt, James Paul
Mother: Winters, Heather
Pinckard, Loretta 
b. 16 AUG 1868 Kentucky
d. 19 DEC 1953 Texas
Gender: Female
Father: Pinckard, William James
Mother: Harris, Frances Anne
Kimball, Beatrice Alice 
b. 16 JUL 1908 Washington
d. 26 JAN 2009 Washington
Gender: Female
Father: Kimball, James Widders
Mother: Crawford, Mary Letitia
Branham, Harold D 
b. 25 FEB 1888 Minnesota
d. 17 MAR 1944 Minnesota
Gender: Male
Father: Branham, Delaney E
Mother: Hand, Nettie I
Branham, Richard 
b. 21 MAR 1911 Kansas
d. 21 APR 2002
Gender: Male
Father: Branham, Bromley E
Mother: Dell, Edna
Branham, Charles Ernest 
b. 24 FEB 1929 Oklahoma
d. 4 FEB 2009 Oklahoma
Gender: Male
Father: Branham, Donald Wilton
Mother: Wright, Lila
Branham, Donald W 
b. 5 MAR 1927 Oklahoma
d. 3 DEC 2011
Gender: Male
Father: Branham, Donald Wilton
Mother: Wright, Lila
Branham, Ida 
b. ABT 1856 Indiana
Gender: Female
Father: Branham, George W.
Mother: Huckleberry, Sarah
Wagner, John E 
b. 1906 Missouri
d. 1934 Missouri
Gender: Male
Father: Wagner, John E
Mother: Branham, Elizabeth H
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