Genealogy Data Page 1223 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Vawter, Anna Mary
b. 26 JUN 1921 Indiana
d. 21 MAR 1998 Arizona
Gender: Female
Father: Vawter, Will Elbert
Mother: Kerr, Katherine
Vawter, Will F
b. 14 JUL 1927 New York
d. 18 APR 1976
Gender: Male
Father: Vawter, Will Elbert
Mother: Kerr, Katherine
Vawter, Mary Jane
b. 18 FEB 1923 Missouri
d. 15 OCT 1974 Tennessee
Gender: Female
Father: Vawter, William Sanders
Mother: Holman, Mame Helen
Kneale, William R
Gender: Male
Father: Kneale, Walter R
Mother: Vawter, Wilma Aldene
Pumphrey, Gloria
Gender: Female
Father: Pumphrey, Joseph
Mother: Vawter, Zernil B
Pumphrey, Ginger
Gender: Female
Father: Pumphrey, Joseph
Mother: Vawter, Zernil B
Davenport, Mabel
b. 20 JUL 1884 Tennessee
d. 8 MAR 1948 Texas
Gender: Female
Father: Davenport, William J
Mother: Bruce, Sarah Ellen
Davenport, C Booker
b. 14 FEB 1886
d. 26 JUL 1924 Texas
Gender: Male
Father: Davenport, William J
Mother: Bruce, Sarah Ellen
Vawter, Jack
Gender: Male
Father: Vawter, Rabern Edward
Mother: Clifford, Rose Marie
Vawter, Michael
Gender: Male
Father: Vawter, Rabern Edward
Mother: Clifford, Rose Marie
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