Genealogy Data Page 687 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Pickett, Donald Leroy 
b. --Not Shown-- Dearborn County, Indiana
Gender: Male
Father: Pickett, Harold James
Mother: Hull, Annabelle Mae
Pickett, Drusilla 
b. 1861 Indiana
Gender: Female
Father: Pickett, Rudolph Morrow
Mother: Dickey, Mary Jane
Pickett, Eleanor 
b. 1853 Indiana
Gender: Female
Father: Pickett, Rudolph Morrow
Mother: Dickey, Mary Jane
Pickett, Eliza W. 
b. 9 JUL 1813 North Carolina
d. 4 FEB 1849 Texas
Gender: Female
Father: Pickett, William Raiford
Mother: Dickson, Frances
Pickett, Elizabeth 
b. 1805
Gender: Female
Father: Pickett, Heathcoate
Mother: Drake, Sallie
Pickett, Emily Jane 
b. 4 JAN 1843 Indiana
d. 4 JUN 1932 Indiana
Gender: Female
Father: Pickett, William
Mother: McNew, Anna
Pickett, Fanny 
b. 1868 Indiana
Gender: Female
Father: Pickett, Rudolph Morrow
Mother: Dickey, Mary Jane
Pickett, Frances H. 
b. ABT 1784
Gender: Male
Father: Pickett, James
Mother: Terry, Martha
Pickett, Frances Mary (Sis) 
b. 1857 Ripley County,Indiana
d. ABT 1920 Indiana
Gender: Female
Father: Pickett, Tilman
Mother: Dickey, Nancy
Pickett, George

b. 25 JAN 1825 Richmond, Virginia
d. 20 JUL 1875 Virginia
Gender: Male
Father: Pickett, Robert
Mother: Johnston, Mary
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